sadetalks about me

Iā€™m Sade, a Canadian-born Nigerian and American raised girl. You could say that I am a mix of many cultures, and yes, that is what makes me who I am. I am a tech enthusiast and a talent acquisition strategist. Thatā€™s also a mix of different careers and lines.

I have always believed in having strong opinions and learning new things. This was formed from growing up with many nationalities and being a woman in the male-dominated tech industry. I believe that you always need to know your tea before recommending it to someone else.

I am passionate about helping organizations (starting with people in them) build an inclusive and equitable culture where people communicate effectively and efficiently without bias or apprehension. Likewise, I have noticed that conversations that count arenā€™t being had in many places, whether at work or during fun gatherings. It seems like a minefield that we choose to ignore, even when we know that it affects a larger part of the population. This is why Sadetalks was created. A platform where I share and have deep conversations, which I like to refer to as ā€œshake tables.ā€ This has received a lot of great feedback already.

We talk about bringing your whole self to work and all you do. Well, Ā this is me rounded up and packaged with red lipstick, heels, opinions, and knowledge! We will discuss everything from being a black woman in technology to all things talent acquisition, career mobility, travel, coffee, K-Swiss vs. Converse, Diversity vs. Inclusion, Naija vs. Ghana Jolloff, and so much more.

I regularly contribute to thought leadership content in the information technology domain and participate in industry-specific conferences and seminars as a speaker or panelist. However, my preference remains to moderate or facilitate.

I also enjoy traveling and documenting the events and happenings that I do at IT Chic Travels platforms, which were created for travel documentaries while exploring the beauty of African nature and learning through it.